Because of the complexity of our female body, there are more chances for dysregulation and incomplete cycles that can lead to trauma. However, our monthly cyclical nature allows us to access and connect with the depths of our being; offering us more opportunities for healing and repair, but only if we are willing to pause and listen to our bodies. This is the true meaning of HOME COMING.
The Womb is so much more than just a physical organ. The Womb holds the power to create and sustain life.
This is our centre of creativity and intuition. A sacred place that should be celebrated.
But often we feel disconnected from our own bodies and our own inner center. So many of us loose connection with the natural rhythms of life and our inner cycles. Often we can become strangers to our own inner experience, rushed trough fast tempo of every day life's demands.
Womb healing is a journey of reconnection and remembering of who we are.
Abdominal Sacral Massage that I am offering is a holistic and non-invasive therapeutic treatment.
It involves a slow, deep, external treatment of the abdomen, lower back and sacrum to soften muscles, help free and align congested organs and therefore, open up blockages to the flow of blood, lymph, and nerve pathways.
The position of the uterus may also be adjusted.
This specific abdominal massage treatment supports a healthy digestion and helps to loosen any hardened debris and to encourage natural bowel movement. For people with digestive disorders this treatment may alleviate the symptoms and the discomfort.
Abdominal Sacral Massage may also be complementary in addressing emotional stress by releasing tension held in the torso. Treatment assists with freeing the diaphragm which may be restricted due to unhelpful breathing patterns whilst creating more space in the abdominal cavity for the organs which improves the abdominal and pelvic circulation.
First visit 2 hours - £120
Follow up appointment 90 min- £80
'Ewa is a very experienced and intuitive body worker and a therapist.
The care and wisdom of her touch took me on a fantastic,
spiritual journey through my body.
The gifts I received are more than I expected.
I feel more alive, connected to myself and present. Thank you Ewa! '- E.K.
syndrome (PCOD or PCOS);
“I experienced Ewa's presence as very loving, kind and respectful to my body and my being. Slowly I fell into a deep rest where I had not been able to drop by myself for some time. I found that very healing and nourishing. Ewa doesn't just stop with the physical, she brings her highly receptive abilities to help reveal truths that need to be felt and seen for what they are. A holistic experience of the body mind and soul indeed. Thank you Ewa."
Irida Hysenbelli, London
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