This 6 -week journey is designed to help you understand the connection between ADHD and nervous system regulation. You’ll explore practical tools to manage overwhelm, build focus, and cultivate inner balance, empowering you to navigate life with greater ease and flow.



                 The Dance Within & Without

With great plesaure I would love to invite you to join us to explore, celebrate and taste even deeper
the Essence of the Femine Energy.
We are offering 4 separate, magical evening events for women in the next 4 months. 
Each of them will be different, inviting us to reconnect with different quality.
You can attendant one of them or all of them it is up to you.
I am looking forward to connecting with you.

Do you ever feel like your emotions are controlling you, rather than the other way around? You’re not alone. 

Sarah is a working mother of two. Her day starts at 6 a.m. as she rushes to get her kids ready for school while also preparing for a demanding day at work. Her phone buzzes with emails about a meeting that was moved up, leaving her no time to finish the presentation she needs. She snaps at her kids for not moving fast enough, guilt building up as her frustration grows. By the time she gets to the office, her heart is racing. She feels tense, her jaw clenched, unable to focus on anything other than the pressure mounting on her shoulders. Small mistakes in her work feel catastrophic, and the flood of urgent tasks feels unmanageable. By the time she picks up her kids from school, she’s mentally exhausted but still anxious, struggling to switch off and relax even though she’s desperate to unwind.


As I grew a deeper and truer connection to my body, familiarising with its deeply rich and subtle intelligence I felt drawn to explore other ways of enhancing this relationship through dance, mindful walks in nature, meditation and more. A few years ago I graduated in Thai Yoga Massage from a leading Thai Yoga Massage teacher in UK, Kira Balaskas who honors in her practice the traditional form of this healing art and passes it on with embodied knowledge from many years of experience. 

Ewa Helena

On my own Journey I have visited many places and was inspired by many wonderful teachers. 
I have been up and I have been down, reaching depths I could never have imagined, having the opportunity (through experience) to ground (embody) the knowledge I have received.


We would like to create a space for all of us to connect with our inner centre,  and experience deeper connection with our bodies - fully relaxed and open. 
We invite you to experience more consciously the dance of within and without through movement, aromatherapy exploration, rhythm, reflection, music, stretches and meditation. 

Why is that valuable? 

We live in a fast paced culture that is addicted to action oriented lifestyles that keep us mentally occupied for most of our daily life. Play, dance, music and relaxed company bring us back to a more whole experience of who we are and our relationship to the world outside. 

Date: 08.03.2019
Time: 6:00 - 9:00
Your Investment: Early Birds £25 (before 22/02/2019)
        Normal £30 

During the evening we are going to...

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The Force of Darkness

Is the darkness our friend or enemy ?
We are going to dance with that question...
More info soon....

Day: 05/04/2019

Time: 6:00 - 9:00
Your Investment: Early Birds £25 (before 22/03/2019)
                        Regular £30 

During the evening we are going to...

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The Essence of Rose

Day: 17/05/2019
Time: 6:00 - 9:00
Your Investment: Early Birds £25 (before 03/05/2019)
                        Regular £30 

During the evening we are going to...

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The Dance of the Fire

Discover your strength. Reveal your courage. Activate your full capacity to make a positive impact in this world. No one can do this for you.

Day: 21/06/2019
Time: 6:00 - 9:00
Your Investment: Early Birds £25 (before 07/06/2019)
                        Regular £30 

During the evening we are going to...

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